I thought this guy was already president(1992-2000)?
I would vote for him again
my friend was kidding around this weekend that he would like to run for president (we were watching some lame political commentary on the news.
) i tried to explain to him that he had way too many skeletons in his closet to ever be elected, but he thinks people would vote for him on his sheer honesty.
i gave him a "mock" interview that went something like this:.
big-up to valis for hosting the files for me!
the original link is: http://www.sassquatch.com/syn/ypa_masturbation.htm.
hope you enjoy these too.
simply double click on one of the images to bring up another screen and bigger photograph, these ones larger anyway..
okay?i?m 14 years old.
my father has been a j.w for all of my life.
my parents got divorced when i was 6, and then my mom was later disfellowshiped.
i was reading the list of things witnesses can't do, on another thread, and i noticed that it was written that jw's don't have jesus as savior.. as a witness, i always said that jesus was my savior, thanks to jehovah.. maybe it's been too long ago and i forgot, but who is the savior for jehovah witnesses?
jesus or jehovah or both?
A step in the right direction. It is really great to read something like this.
Thanks for the post hackaw
i grew up on alpine ski's, took up snowboarding for a while, until it got incredibly boring, and now i've been into tele-skiing for about five years now.
i just love it!
before my accident, i could jump-telemark nearly any slope.
for me i am ashamed to admit that i hated "black hawk down.".
everybody told me that is was this great millitary movie.
i know that it was based on real life, but i was so bored i actually walked out of the movie and i don't do it that often.. also i hated "gladiator.".
I gotta agree with you Black hawk down was crap, blair witch was crap. Although I liked gladiator.
I never could get through charlie's angels, no matter how bubbly and pretty the girls are in it.
Congrats on your. er. not.. killing a chicken?
Can you eat a dead weezing chicken or do you just use it for ice hockey?
joseph was 30 when pharo gave him egypt,why because he prefigured jesus, david was 30 when god made him king,why because he prefigured jesus.why was jesus 30 when god gave him his ministry,because thats the age adam was when god gave him eve.. why would god put all of these scriptures in the bible if adam was only 25 or 26 when god made eve.
gen 41:46 num 4:3 num 4:23 2sam 5:4 1chron 23:3 luke 3:23 adam was the first king.
an age god decided a man was of age.because if jesus was 30 and adam was only 25 then the devil has a legal case that god is cheating, that jesus had longer to develop than adam.